Execution is now a team sport
Overload? Current results should be better? Lack of traction on your future vision?
Is this recognizable? (What does your spouse think?)
You already know well what growing pains feel like. And you’ve solved them every time in the past.
During your previous crises of growth, you made the right changes, and learned key lessons of delegation. Hired several key people who excel at the tasks that drag you down most. Clarified responsibilities and gave them authority. Established personal accountability for the right results.
But this time is different.
The growth continued. There are lots more people, customers, problems…but tighter cash flow.
This continued growth builds up predictable pressures. Pressure that makes it difficult for all your people to be on the same page and in sync. Pressure from unhappy customers. Pressure on profits and cash flow.
It is because this time the root causes are different for this emerging stage (20-100 employees).
And they point to the need for an effective leadership team, not just an effective leader.
Build the high-performance leadership team that…
- Eliminates the overload at the top.
- Truly buys into the plan and takes initiative to drive the results through each of their teams.
- Achieves greater traction on your future vision (instead of never having the time).
(Warning: In building a leadership team, especially if the first one, many will end up with a collection of great individual performers. Don’t. You can’t afford it. You need a real team, not a bunch of all stars.)
Execute together.
(And get back to doing more of what you do best.)
© 2019 From the Top, LLC
Emerging businesses (20-100 employees) are in the exciting transition from small to mid-size. In some situations, the specific growing pains illustrated here might be similar for smaller or larger fast companies, especially if growing fast.